I like you, have some chocolate.

"Eating chocolate while studying helps the brain retain new information
and is linked to higher test scores."
Chocolate is one of those foods that inspires a cultish following, no matter the culture. This month, you can enjoy crafting your own mouth-watering chocolates, licking the extra right out of the tube, and then devouring all the evidence.But wait!
Did you know that chocolates, and making chocolates, is an important part of Japanese culture? That's right, in Japan, Valentine's Day chocolates are more of a big deal than pretty much anywhere else, including here in the US. Each year, women rush to the store to pick up chocolate to give to all the important men in their life on February 14th.

Anytime is a good time for jibun-choco, we say. :)
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Haha I still haven’t used this DIY kit. I’ll have to do it on the weekend. I hope it’s as delicious as it looks (unfortunately, most of the DIY kits have been more of a “miss” than a “hit” with us).
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