Japan Valentine's Crate: The Box of Love
Around the world, Valentine's Day is all about love. Valentine's Day is ultimately a time to honor love and a reminder to offer gratitude to loved ones, as corny and cliche as that may sound to some. The decision to celebrate or not to rejoice is one that belongs to you and your loved ones. Some individuals enjoy giving and receiving excellent gifts or chocolates. However, in the end, it is about the thinking that goes into the day and your loved ones and not about the money that is spent or the gifts you receive.
This might be different in Japan. Japanese women, instead of men, are the ones who will offer gifts to all the significant men in their lives, such as fathers, brothers, and friends. In fact, Valentine's Day and White Day are the two ways that the Japanese mark the holiday. Both have their own customs and ways of celebrating. Discover more about the unique tradition of the Japanese when celebrating Valentine's Day in Japan.
Valentine's Day in Japan
The 14th of February is a day that some people look forward to and others dread. Nowadays, it's also typical for couples in a relationship to celebrate the day together and exchange small presents, but not in Japan! This country has its own cultural standards, traditions, and expectations. One of the key distinctions is that Valentine's Day is primarily associated with women giving gifts to men.
It is undeniable that Valentine's Day is widely observed in Japan. Even though some people dislike it, others take pleasure in it. Women typically offer candy and chocolates rather than flowers, jewelry, or other such presents. Valentine's Day is traditionally observed in Japan by girls giving chocolates to both the boy they adore and other people with whom they have no romantic interest. Though chocolates are distributed to couples and coworkers in offices, this is particularly true among middle and high school students, where it is rather common. The pressure to give out or receive chocolates might occasionally be felt.
Valentine's Day Gift Opportunity
It is undeniable that Valentine's Day is widely observed in Japan. Even though some people dislike it, others take pleasure in it. Japanese women customarily give chocolate gifts to their crushes as well as to coworkers, acquaintances, and family members to show their appreciation. In fact, there is a wide selection of chocolates in stores at this time of year. There are many different varieties of chocolate that can be given, depending on your relationship with the recipient.
The two types of chocolate that are sold in many Tokyo shops are honmei-choco and giri-choco. Honmei chocolate is for your beloved husband or partner. Japanese women would give honmei chocolate to a man she thought was attractive romantically. It's a way for them to communicate their sincere love for a particular person and develop a relationship with them. On the other hand, Giri chocolates are the kind of tasty treats you give to a person you like but aren't romantically. These could be close friends, loved ones, coworkers, or anyone who stands by you and encourages you. But this year, other than giving traditional chocolates, you can also give the newest Japan Crate Valentine's theme, Box of Love, with different Japanese candy and Japanese snacks!
Japan Crate's Box of Love
Japan Crate is one of the best subscription boxes where you can receive the sweetest candies, flavorful snacks, and cute collectibles you'll surely enjoy. It enables you to enjoy special Japanese pleasures that you otherwise wouldn't be able to obtain easily. Every crate has a different assortment of goodies, including classic candies like Kit Kats in unexpected flavors or limited-edition food from well-known anime and video games. Additionally, one thing to keep in mind is that each box will arrive at your house as a complete surprise. You won't know what's inside until it gets there, and you're not obligated to choose anything in advance. At Japan Crate, everything is hand-picked and sent straight to you. Imagine it as a monthly mystery gift box that you can get.

And one of the newest crates you should try is Valentine's theme, the Box of Love. This Crate will be not only the sweetest and most romantic gift ever, but the snacks inside will also be a treat for the month of love. This might be new for the Japanese tradition, but this crate will surely help you express the love you have for someone you feel special with. The Box of Love Crate offers so many special edition favourites and some bonus items you'll love. But wait, there's more! Box of Love crate will also give you Valentine's scratch cart to have more fun with the love of your life.
Japan Crate's Box of Love Spoilers
You can find a ton of delicious Japanese foods with Japan Crate, and the Box of Love is no different! Various snacks and treats are available, including sweet gummies, cookies, chips, and traditional Japanese hard candies. There was a wide selection of something for every member of the family. Here are some of the snacks included:
1. Nericcho Soft Cider
This ridiculous little DIY Nericcho Soft Cider kit makes us think of Inky, the Pac-Man blue adorable ghost villain! The bubbling candy with a taste of cider is presented in miniature wafer cones that mimic ice cream. To make tiny Inky ice cream cones, combine a tablespoon of water with the powder, stir until it foams, and spoon some of the blue substance over the top of the wafer cones included in the package.
Ribbon Futte Futte Jelly Grape
Ribbon Futte Futte Jelly Grape is a "jelly drink that you may experience the texture," whereby you shake off the jelly and then drink to experience the texture and the reviving sweetness of grapes. You can examine how the jelly has crumbled by looking into the plastic bottle to see what's within.
Policky Brown Sugar Flavor
These are small, stick-shaped pretzels with a flavor of brown sugar. Similar to Pocky, this is also a baked snack. Despite not having a decadent coating, these pretzel sticks are still a tasty snack that you can simply grab and enjoy on the move. It has a strong brown sugar flavor that makes it very addictive! This Policky Brown Sugar makes a tasty snack to share with your loved ones!
It's Japan Crate Time!
Japan Crate offers a subscription service with authentic Japanese goods. At Japan Crate, you may get the best and most limited Japanese goods for a very low cost. Japan Crate makes it easy for customers to subscribe and buy snacks and other mature content from Japan. It won't take more than a week for the Japanese collection you ordered online to arrive at your doorstep. In fact, all across the world, Japan Crate provides dependable and efficient shipping and delivery services. Registering for one of our subscription choices is all that is required. Why not start with the Japan Crate Valentine's theme, Box of Love? Enjoy!
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